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How Can I Find Love?

"I want to find love" is a goal many people express, but few people follow to the end. But rather than harp on the failure cases, I'd like to focus on the people who find success. The people who are so sick of failure that they're willing to try something a little different. For these people, I recommend the law of attraction because you're in a place to easily see its need and power.

So, what is the law of attraction? Well, it's the idea the like things attract one another. And more specifically, it's the idea that what you belief and feel and what you get are synonymous. In other words, if you're having problems meeting and dating people, the problems are in the ways that you're living these experiences.

And while this is a hard cup of tea to swallow at first, it's actually rather straightforward because it's far more clear in relation to dating than anything else in the world because dating literally is about attraction in the purest sense. And further, most peoples' problems are in their "mental game", not in how they look, what they have to offer, etc. I know a lot of really beautiful women, and they very often date guys you wouldn't even believe would have a chance with them (there's something so hot about slacker couch potatoes with nothing to offer... what, I'm still not sure, but something). At first, I just thought it was certain women; however, I see this trend a lot: people date a lot of horrible people they're not compatible with.

And I say this for one specific reason: stop wallowing! There are plenty of unhappy people out there that you could make very happy because they're looking for you right now--and haven't found you yet. In fact, they may have already settled with the muscled guy with the cars and the career and the house and the street bike; however, if she settled, he probably doesn't meet her needs emotionally (hence why the broke poet can still find love!).

So, to tie this back together, if you say, "I want to find love", then get out there and do it; however, the reason that you're falling into problems is because there's something about you and how you react in the dating situation that gives you the reactions that you get. And if you're like most people, these are things in your head that make you feel terrible. For instance, that girl'd never like a guy like me; it's a bad hair day; I don't have enough money to be attractive; I'm not worthy of love... etc. There are hundreds of these ways to "block" yourself--and as soon as you begin attacking them, you'll find yourself getting closer and closer to actually finding true love instead of just wanting to find it...

By the way, do you want to learn more about using the law of attraction to attract your soul mate? If so, join my special law of attraction newsletter here: Attracting Your Soul Mate

Joshua Howard is life coach who specializes in law of attraction, NLP, and DHE.

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Everyone wants to find love . Someone special who can share their life with find love. Someone who can worry and care about them in return. Find that special someone can take time and patience . Ultimately, find love the wait will be worth it to you find true love. 
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 Do not be afraid to talk to people . Be social , friendly and reliable , and you will feel better to find someone to spend your life with find love.

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