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Take Care of you dog, dachshund health problems.

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Dachshunds are genetically predisposed to various dachshund health problems, but no more than other breeds.

In general dachshund have a normal life, but be aware of different health problems your dog is sensitive to CAN prevention, dachshund health problems detection and treatment of diseases of first aid.

The small size of a dachshund also plays a role in the longevity of the race, it is well known that small dogs live longer than larger breeds dachshund health problems.

Problems and possible health conditions

Some health problems can develop an understanding of dachshund health problems;

Back problems. Dachshund health problems have a fragile back and are subject to conditions, such as disco disease, spinal injuries and back pain. Often back problems dachshunds can with physical therapy, medication, support (back support), and still is, but then again, you may need to be treated for severe cases surgery dachshund health problems.

Paralysis. Dachshund health problems back injuries and KIDD are the two most common causes of paralysis in dachshunds. The paralysis is not always permanent, such as surgery, physical therapy and other treatments can sometimes correct the situation.
If your dog has been diagnosed with permanent paralysis, dachshund health problems there are some things that you can learn to improve their quality of life.

leg problems. Short and crooked legs of a Dachshund are sensitive and vulnerable to development problems.
 Patellar laxation is widespread among dachshund health problems the races and many other small breeds. leg problems in dachshunds can also be a sign of an underlying problem, how to be problems of paralysis and back.

Foreclosures. Seizures are a Dachshund thing can genetically predisposed. Therefore, it is very important to study the history of the health of dachshunds the mother before buying a puppy. The attacks can be fatal if it is not controlled, but with dachshund health problems medical crises can lead a normal life.

Skin problems. Allergies, acanthuses Nigerians and balding are some skin conditions that can develop dachshunds. While skin problems in dogs are usually not life threatening, dachshund health problems the quality of your life if nothing is done dachshund. With the help of your veterinarian, you can plan a treatment that your Dachshund itching, irritation, inflammation and other skin-alleviates symptoms.

Eye problems. Cataracts, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy, dachshund health problems Erato Wicca and corneal dystrophy inherited from common eye problems in dioxides. PA (progressive retinal atrophy), dachshunds in particular, a dachshund. This is not a curable disease, and progresses rapidly, so that all farmers should have before starting to breed their dogs tested for it.

Obesity. Obesity can be a major dachshund health problems, and even if you are prone to obesity, exercise and diet plays an important role in the development of the disease. Combating obesity in the first dachshund may help prevent secondary dachshunds health problems such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and spinal problems.

Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is one of the causes of obesity in dachshund health problems. It can also be a cause for a number of other symptoms, including fatigue, inflammation, cold intolerance, and skin problems. This condition can be detected by a blood test and controlled drugs.

Ear (hematoma, infection) * oxy long ears and make dachshund health problems more susceptible to ear infections and hematoma dog breeds with a smaller set of ears. This is because bacteria and yeasts grow best in warm, moist environments.

Anal gland problems. The infection, rupture, obstruction and inflammation of anal glands is common in dogs with a dog.
 Scooting, excessive licking ass and smell are signs of anal gland problems. Dachshund with allergies are more likely to suffer from anal gland problems usually caused by inflammation, itching and other skin problems that arise.
DV (gastric dilatation oculus) is extremely dangerous DV dachshunds are prone to health. Dogs with DV experience immense pain due to the extension and torsion of the stomach. Know the signs of gastric dilatation-torsion in dachshund health problems is a good idea, as you can afford to move quickly and even save the lives of your dachshund.

hip dysplasia. Although hip dysplasia affects mostly large breed dogs, wiener dogs are an exception. It is important that all dachshunds are tested with the OA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) before it increases the chance that the puppies are born with this disease to minimize.
Preventive Care

In addition to understanding the signs of the dachshund health problems, it is also important to follow screening. As with humans, prevention includes such things as;

It is important that your dachshund health problems is clean and tidy, so that the risk of developing an infection and other health problems are reduced. Bathing, nail trimming, brushing, ear cleaning and brushing / layer reduce dachshunds are part of the preparation must be carried out at regular intervals.

As a dog owner, dachshund health problems one of the things they are responsible for vaccinating your dachshund. Not only some vaccines required by law, but are also necessary to prevent your dog from contracting serious diseases. Talk to your veterinarian about a vaccination program against oxyacetylene.

Routine physical exams and blood tests
Dachshund health problems are routine checkups and recommended blood tests for all life stages, but are especially important for older Dachshund. What is the frequency of examinations and blood tests are needed will depend on several factors, such as age, health status and race. Your vet will know how many times the recommended approach dachshund health problems.

Prenatal care
Dachshund health problems speakers have different performance and energy needs. Provide special care they need is the key to the mother and her puppies healthy during pregnancy. After checking your dachshund and follow the instructions from your veterinarian is also important.

Shedding maintenance
Yes, dachshund falls, dachshund health problems but not as bad as the other races, and more, there are ways you can take manage. All you need to do is use the tools and techniques to get oxyacetylene coverage.

Discount more information maintenance

In many cases, dachshund health problems if there was a healthy diet, adequate exercise and proper care dachshunds can exceed the average life and live up to 20 years.

What is the life of sausage dachshunds? More information for dachshund health problems expectancy / life

Food and Nutrition
A balanced diet is an important part of maintaining the overall health of your dachshund. Learn to read food labels for dachshund health problems dogs is one way to ensure that your dog gets all the essential nutrients.

Training your dachshund health problems is a central element of health, because it can prevent the development of behavioral and other psychological problems. It also allows you and your family a better relationship with your dog have dachshund health problems.

Dachshunds are dachshunds devoted to his family and will do anything to protect and please do their owners. Show a way of gratitude for the faithfulness of your dachshund is due attention so that they can live a long and healthy life dachshund health problems.

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